The KOC video was shot over five days: three days in Romania; one day in London; and one day in Red Rock, California; it was made available on July 11th, 2006. It was filmed and edited in the style of an old spaghetti western film with post-apocalyptic themes, complete with beginning and end credits. Despite the western setting, many references to 60s and 70s pop culture are present. It was directed by Joseph Kahn, and stars British actor Russ Bain as the lead cowboy (The Man With No Name), Richard Brake as the antagonist (Sheriff Baron Klaus Rottingham), and Cassandra Bell as the love interest (Princess Shane Kuriyami).
A very brief scene in which Bain has sex with his love interest was edited out of the video for presentation on television. The complete, uncensored version (which contains no frontal nudity) is available for viewing at the Director's website.
Depois de muita insistência e enorme resistência, aceitei tentar... Por isso, aqui estou, dando a todos as boas vindas a este cantinho onde tudo é possível. Siga!
É o chamado vídeo do caraças, podes crer. Robots e cowboys e gajas de biquini em cima de cavalos. Para lá de rococó, claramente à frente.
Lunatic on the grass, at 10:48 da tarde
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Lunatic on the grass, at 10:48 da tarde
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Lunatic on the grass, at 10:50 da tarde
Está emgraçado, já tinha visto, mas acho que não tinha visto assim completo e com muita atenção.
bonifaceo, at 4:23 da tarde
E os hologramas pá?! Pxxx, é muito à frente mesmo. E engraçado e tal, como refere aqui o boni.
Pim, at 5:57 da tarde
The KOC video was shot over five days: three days in Romania; one day in London; and one day in Red Rock, California; it was made available on July 11th, 2006. It was filmed and edited in the style of an old spaghetti western film with post-apocalyptic themes, complete with beginning and end credits. Despite the western setting, many references to 60s and 70s pop culture are present. It was directed by Joseph Kahn, and stars British actor Russ Bain as the lead cowboy (The Man With No Name), Richard Brake as the antagonist (Sheriff Baron Klaus Rottingham), and Cassandra Bell as the love interest (Princess Shane Kuriyami).
A very brief scene in which Bain has sex with his love interest was edited out of the video for presentation on television. The complete, uncensored version (which contains no frontal nudity) is available for viewing at the Director's website.
ora toma lá!!!
innocent bystander, at 11:37 da tarde
é impressão tua! ;P
peace_love, at 1:44 da manhã
Isto anda parado de mais ou é impressão minha?
bf, at 3:54 da manhã
amigo, ainda está em extase? isso é coisa pra cansar, caramba!! :-)
innocent bystander, at 12:45 da tarde
basta-me a música. :)
Patrícia, at 1:00 da manhã
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